2018 中国授权业大奖 China Licensing Awards 在线投票
1. 请在每个奖项中投票选择您认为最佳的入围项,年度创意授权产品、年度新锐IP最多投三票,其余每个奖项限投一票;
2. 每家公司仅限投票一次,严禁刷票,一经发现将立即取消评选资格;若同一家公司重复投票,将以系统中收到的第一份选票为准。
1. Please select no more than three (3) entries form Licensed Product of the Year and Young Property of the Year, one (1) entry from each of the rest award category;
2. Each company can only vote once.
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Please select one (1) entry from each of the award category.
年度中国IP China Property of the Year
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In 2017, Huang Wan slept on the authorization business with a great effort to serve the authorized dealer and achieved remarkable pride. Such as: Innisfree- project, Yili -grain project, COFCO-Joy City project, HUAWEI glory series mobile phone project have gained excellent market performance.
吾皇万睡 - 一间宇宙(北京)文化有限公司 / WU’HUANG’WAN’SHUI - YIJIANYUZHOU (Beijing) culture Co., Ltd.
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Ali the Fox: Launched in 2006. 25million fans online, Picture Book Bestseller and 4 million books sold since 2009. 1+billion online video clicks on episode series. Emoticons downloaded 300 million times and been sent for over5 billion times at WeChat. As an ICP, contents provided for over 230 platforms. 70+ Licensees (like DQ, McDonald’s, Bank of China, Dencare, Yunifang, Prince Kung’s Mansion, Swire Properties, Longfor and JLF Jewelry, Jiabao Group, etc.) and 2000+ SKU. Partners: POP Mart, Family Mart, Raffles and Watsons, etc. Franchise stores cover almost all the big cities in China.
阿狸 - 北京梦之城文化股份有限公司 / Ali the Fox - Beijing Dream Castle Culture Co., Ltd.
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熊出没 - 华强方特(深圳)动漫有限公司 / Boonie Bears - Fantawild Animation Inc.
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超级飞侠 - 奥飞娱乐股份有限公司 / Super Wings - ALPHA GROUP CO.,LTD
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猪猪侠 - 广东咏声动漫股份有限公司 / GG Bond - Guangdong Winsing Co. Ltd
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泰迪珍藏 - 上海天络行品牌管理股份有限公司 / Teddy Bear Collection - Shanghai Skynet Brand Managemengt Corp.,Ltd
年度授权推广项目 Licensed Promotion of the Year
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In 2017, Huang Wan slept on the authorization business with a great effort to serve the authorized dealer and achieved remarkable pride. Such as: Innisfree- project, Yili -grain project, COFCO-Joy City project, HUAWEI glory series mobile phone project have gained excellent market performance.
吾皇贺岁X悦诗风吟 - 悦诗风吟 / WU’HUANG’WAN’SHUI & innisfree - innisfree
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NBA China initiated “NBA 24-Hour” JD Super Brand Day Campaign on May. 15th, 2017, the first-ever NBA themed multi-brands e-commerce cross promotion. NBA China cooperated with JD as well as 15 brands including Clear, Mengniu, etc. By leveraging both JD and participating brands’ strategic resources, the campaign not only triggered sales & exposure growth but also polished brand image. Altogether, the phenomenal event generated 82 million exposures, 4 million UV and a 17% conversion.
“绝杀24小时”京东超级品牌日 - 京东 / “NBA 24-Hour” JD Super Brand Day - JD
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招商银行愤怒的小鸟借记卡 - 招商银行 / CMB Angry Birds Debit Card - China Merchants Bank
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熊出没&三九小儿感冒药整合营销项目 - 三九医药 / Integrated Marketing of Boonie Bears and Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical - San Jiu Medicine Trade Co.,Ltd.
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可口可乐-变形金刚电影5促销活动 - 可口可乐/Coca-Cola- Transformers(Movie 5)Promotion - Coca-Cola
生活方式授权IP Corporate Brand/Fashion/Lifestyle Program of the Year
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2017年,吾皇万睡在授权业务上投入巨大精力服务被授权商,取得了令人瞩目的骄傲成绩。如:法国Cache Cache项目、Innisfree-悦诗风吟项目、中粮大悦城系列项目等均获得极佳市场表现。
In 2017, Huang Wan slept on the authorization business with a great effort to serve the authorized dealer and achieved remarkable pride. Such as: Cache Cache project,Innisfree- project, Yili -grain project, COFCO-Joy City projecthave gained excellent market performance.
吾皇万睡 - 一间宇宙(北京)文化有限公司 / WU’HUANG’WAN’SHUI - YIJIANYUZHOU (Beijing) culture Co., Ltd
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经典卡通形象哆啦A梦现在以“潮酷”的形象展现在高端时尚和95后消费市场。无论是范冰冰御用造型师卜柯文的设计师品牌Christopher Bu的青睐还是淘宝爆款的Rock Bear手机壳都证明了这一点。
哆啦A梦 - 小学馆集英社Pro / Doraemon - Shopro
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此次合作在纽约时装周首度曝光,代表中国的年轻潮流品牌在国内引起了热烈反响,PEACEBIRD MEN提取了Coca-Cola复古、快乐分享的关键词,融入到了品牌年轻、潮流的文化。
可口可乐 - 可口可乐公司 / Coca-Cola - The Coca-Cola Company
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emoji - emoji GmbH公司 / emoji - emoji company GmbH
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Disney partnered with various Chinese licensees to support the opening of “Beauty and the Beast” (BATB), expand its demographic and make Disney a contemporary lifestyle brand via engaging interactive experiences. One particular partnership to highlight is Five Plus’s BATB fashion collection inspired by the film. Promotions included interactive experiences on QQ, themed showrooms at malls, storytelling through displays and building trend topics around denim. The collection received a 30% sale through and popular denim items sold out during the pre-sale. In 3 weeks, they reached 60% sale through. At the end of the campaign, they had 100% sale through.
美女与野兽 - 华特迪士尼公司 / Disney's Beauty and the Beast - The Walt Disney Company
年度主题性体验项目 Location-Based or Experiential Initiative of the Year
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In 2017, Huang Wan slept on the authorization business with a great effort to serve the authorized dealer and achieved remarkable pride. Such as: Innisfree- project, Yili -grain project, COFCO-Joy City project, HUAWEI glory series mobile phone project have gained excellent market performance.
吾皇驾到-中粮大悦城主题美陈展 / WUHUANG-COFCO Joy-City-Theme Exhibition
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FUNMAX - EXPO, China's first exploration museum, whose flagship store in Shenzhen opened at the end of October, 2017, covering an area of 3000 square meters, integrating Ali the Fox with interactive devices, which enables children to learn while playing. Its concept is "accompany, exploration, growth". Brand spirit is "FUN and Happiness First". Purpose is to create a new, fancy and interesting exploration space for all families.
In the first three days after opening, amazing data has been achieved. 100-meter-long queue, 4200 tickets sold, 11,000 person-time, 1,980,000 minutes’ parent-child time. This is the socalled “The Legend of Children’s Entertainment”.
芬麦阿狸儿童探索博物馆 / Ali-themed Funmax Children Exploration Museum
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“汪汪队立大功——冬日联萌救援”主题展于春节期间在上海南丰城举办,现场以卡通人物座驾为特色的游戏场景受到广大消费者喜爱。春节期间人流同比增长27%,商场整体销售同比提升36%。 开展当天客流超过50,000人,创历史新高。
汪汪队立大功——冬日联萌救援 / PAW Patrol Winter Rescue Mall Event
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上海环球金融中心超级飞侠亲子展 / "Super Wing"Parent-child Exhibition in Shanghai World Financial Center
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此次合作在纽约时装周首度曝光,代表中国的年轻潮流品牌在国内引起了热烈反响,PEACEBIRD MEN提取了Coca-Cola复古、快乐分享的关键词,融入到了品牌年轻、潮流的文化。
可口可乐X太平鸟快闪店 / Coca-cola X Peacebird Popup Store
年度被授权商 Best Licensee of the Year
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In 2017, Huang Wan slept on the authorization business with a great effort to serve the authorized dealer and achieved remarkable pride. Such as: Innisfree- project, Yili -grain project, COFCO-Joy City project, HUAWEI glory series mobile phone project have gained excellent market performance.
伊利 - 吾皇万睡 / Yili - WU’HUANG’WAN’SHUI
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作为中国儿童休闲食品IP授权运营先驱,亿智食品坚始终持欧美最高行业标准。经过两年努力,我们让pappa pig产品遍布中国,各大商超陈列童趣创新,媒体宣推一致好评,主题活动与消费者有效互动累计上亿次!
东莞亿智食品有限公司 - 小猪佩奇 / Yick Chi Confectionary Company Limited - Peppa Pig
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此次合作在纽约时装周首度曝光,代表中国的年轻潮流品牌在国内引起了热烈反响,PEACEBIRD MEN提取了Coca-Cola复古、快乐分享的关键词,融入到了品牌年轻、潮流的文化。
宁波太平鸟风尚男装有限公司 - 可口可乐 / NingBo Peacebird Men's Fashion Co.,Ltd. - Coca-Cola
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名创优品 - 粉红豹 / MINISO - Pink Panther
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Disney and Guo Jin infused creativity into traditional commercial bank premiums. The first was the little gold apple pendant inspired by “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” featuring a lucky number of 66 pearls on an apple, representing health, wealth and happiness in Chinese culture. The banks sold over 3.5 million pieces of the best-selling item. The second was The Year of the Dog Pluto gold notes featuring AR technology with sales reaching almost 500 million RMB (500,000 sets of gold notes were sold during the 2018 holiday season). The innovative premiums drove high traffic to the banks and great sell through for the products.
国金黄金 - 迪士尼 / Guo Jin Gold - Disney
年度影视传媒授权IP Film/Television/Media Program of the Year
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《战狼》2 - 北京文化 / Wolf Warriors Ⅱ - beijing culture
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华谊兄弟品牌管理公司成立于2016年,全权负责电影《芳华》衍生授权,以“芳华青春 国货精品”为合作主题,,联合多个知名品牌包含金立手机、芳草集、马克华菲、艺福堂、万事利等,打造了国内文艺片授权新案例。
Huayi Brothers Brand Management Company was founded in 2016, is responsible for the licensing business of Movie <Youth>, cooperated with a number of well-known brands including GIONEE, Fangcj, Mark Fairwhale, EFUTON, WENSLI, to create a new domestic literary film licensing case with the theme “Bright Youth, Great Products”
芳华 - 华谊兄弟/美拉传媒 / Youth - Huayi Brothers/Mayla Media
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By constant innovation, Idol Producer has achieved the maximum value of variety shows and explored a licensing model consisted of product model and joint-promotion. Moreover, in cooperation with other companies like DAKA and PMH,the show incubated a new variety-based way for fans to support idols and innovated a new model to produce Chinese Idol, as well as a new industrial model.
偶像练习生 - 北京爱奇艺科技有限公司 / Idol Producer - BEIJING IQIYI SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
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Hot-blood Dance Crew’s brand portfolio consisted of industries from clothing, accessories, consumer electronics, F&B, and others. The program is now collaborating with more than 15 licensees, including Family Mart, Chow Tai Fook and Maybelline. By integrating the street dance stage with the commercial settings, it has explored a new IP business model for today’s online streaming media industry.
热血街舞团 - 北京爱奇艺科技有限公司 / Hot-blood Dance Crew - BEIJING IQIYI SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
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“Ali•Ptah” is the first 3D series episode produced by Dream Castle, which contains 13 episodes. It tells the story of Ali the Fox, Bear and Peach the Fox, who help the fellows in lost or helpless realize their dreams or out of the plight, with their love and magic during his travel, created a miracle world in the fairy tales. The style of the animation is warm and healing, the characters lovely, music beautiful, and is a new sensory stimulation and audio-visual feast for the audience. The total online video clicks of “Ali•Ptah” are over 240million.
《阿狸·布塔》 - 北京梦之城文化股份有限公司 / Ali·Ptah - Beijing Dream Castle Culture Co., Ltd.
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熊出没∙变形记 - 华强方特(深圳)动漫有限公司 / Boonie Bears: The Big Shrink - Fantawild Animation Inc.
年度零售商 Best Retailer of the Year
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FamilyMart has initiated a new marketing model which integrated the IP into its own brand. The licensee created 15 themed stores, 2 million limited edition HBDC coffee cups and many offline events. The experimental consumption environment and various membership benefits ensured the loyalty of FamilyMart’s 36 million VIP and proved to be an efficient online+offline endeavor.
全家 - 热血街舞团 / FamilyMart - Hot-blood Dance Crew
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Adhering to the faith of original, Mtime is the leader of the domestic movie derivatives industry. It has produced a wide range of products, covering the toy model, digital accessories, clothing, household daily use and other categories. At present, Mtime has carried out cooperation with more than half of the cinemas in China. The sales of the derivatives of Transformers IP, as one of the many authorizations of Mtime, have been large and have won the praise and love of the fans.
北京影时光电子商务有限公司 - 变形金刚 / Beijing Piaoplus E-Commerce Co., Ltd. - Transformers
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唯品会 - 芭比 / VIP.COM - BARBIE
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屈臣氏 - B.Duck小黄鸭 / Watson - B.Duck
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京东商城 - 超级飞侠 / JD.COM - Super Wings
年度游戏授权IP Gaming Property of the Year
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"Fire like the Song", has authorized the introduction of IP authorized products of the national intangible cultural heritage cooperation, and boldly develops the high-end collection market. In view of the authorized IP audience group, the S level Taobao public raised the platform to send the resources, perfectly match the IP heat and flow support, and finally meet the extreme demand of the high-end IP user customized art cross boundary products.
烈火如歌手游 - 完美世界(北京)软件科技发展有限公司 / Fire Like The Song - Perfect world (Beijing) software technology development Co., Ltd
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消消乐萌萌团 - 北京乐元素文化发展有限公司 / Anipop Club - Beijing Happy Elements Culture Development Co., Ltd
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欢乐斗地主 - 腾讯 / happy poker - Tencent
年度文博、艺术授权IP Museum/Gallery/Art Property of the Year
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颐和园 - Summer Palace
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Li Zhimi is a Chinese artist based in Shanghai. He was born in 1979 in Anhui Province. He graduated from China Academy of Art in 2003. Art is as natural as life to him, just like a meal or a cup of tea. He follows his intuition in his art. From summer flowers to a piece of fruit could all be objects of his art. He portrays all the small but beautiful details in life with lots of love and affection. All the common and everyday things could always surprise you and cheer your eyes up when they're turned into Li Zhimi's artworks. Li Zhimi is also an artist supported by China National Arts Fund of 2018.
李知弥 - 艺巢(上海)文化艺术发展有限公司 / Li Zhimi - Artsnest (Shanghai) Culture and Art Development Co. Ltd
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中国当代最具影响力的明星艺术家被美国“SURFACE”媒体誉为“难以定义的艺术家” 包揽油画创作、策展、 动漫、设计、影像、音乐、写作、雕塑等于一身的传奇青年艺术家。
宋洋美术 Bad Girl- 北京宋洋美术文化发展有限公司 / SYART Bad Girl - BeiJing Song Yang art culture development co. LTD
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国博生活 - 中国国家博物馆 / National Museum of China Lifestyle - National Museum of China
Please select no more than three (3) entries from each of the award category.
年度创意授权产品-软线 Licensed Product of the Year – Soft Line
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SKECHERS customized clothing and accessories, providing a key to new retail models. The exposure of products, by means of idol’s wear in the show, successfully built a lien between fans and Idol Producer and finally lead the traffic to sales.
斯凯奇“偶像练习生”训练服 - 斯凯奇贸易(上海)有限公司 / Idol Producer sportswear - SKECHERS TRADE (SHANGHAI)CO.,LTD.
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六合云超级飞侠系列童鞋 - 东莞市童界文化创意有限公司 / Super Wings Kid's Shoes - Dongguan Kid's World Culture Creativity Co.,Ltd.
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全球最具标志性的The Simpsons《辛普森一家》作为美国FOX旗下最著名的长青荧幕形象,以其极具美式文化、美式家庭和潮流文化的象征进军潮流消费品市场,并开设The Simpsons Store。
辛普森服装系列 - 上海赫晨服饰有限公司 / The Simpsons Apparel - Her-Chain Clothing (ShangHai) Company Limited.
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πX变形金刚 变形之翼 - 厦门特步投资有限公司 / π X Transformers: Wings - Xiamen Xtep Investment Co., Ltd.
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“emoji x Peacebird”女装 - 宁波太平鸟时尚服饰股份有限公司 /“emoji x Peacebird” women collaboration - Ningbo Peacebird Fashion Co., Ltd.
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To celebrate the release of Marvel Studio's “Black Panther,” ANTA launched its unique KT3 shoe - Black Panther Collection that quickly became the most wanted product. Designed by sneaker designer Robbie Fuller with NBA star Klay Thompson's signature, the collection played homage to “Black Panther” with nods to the King of Wakanda. Sell-through reached 92% for mid-cut sneaker and 54% for the low-cut within one week of launch for the low-cut style. The entire collection sold out within one month of release. The collaboration not only appealed to Marvel fans but to sports fans and sneaker enthusiasts.
KT3黑豹系列球鞋 - 安踏 / KT3 Black Panther Collection - ANTA
年度创意授权产品-硬线 Licensed Product of the Year – Hard Line
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大脚怪工程车拉杆箱 / Mining Truck Trolley Case
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世宝骑行箱加入巧思与狗狗角色融为一体,集骑、玩、坐、拉、背功能为一体的个性儿童旅行箱。创意加上PAW Patrol本身极旺的人气,一经推出,就得到市面的良好反响,深受消费者欢迎。
汪汪队立大功骑行箱 - 世宝婴幼用品(香港)有限公司 / PAW Patrol Ride-on luggage - Saipo Baby (Hong Kong) Ltd
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托马斯故事机 - 青岛启程儿童机器人有限公司 / THOMAS & FRIENDS STORY-TELLING MACHINE - qicheng
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冷酸灵泵式按压牙膏极地白双重抗敏感变形金刚5纪念版 - 重庆登康口腔护理用品股份有限公司 / Transformers Movie 5 Dencare Toothpaste - Commemorative Edition - Chongqing Dencare oral care Co., Ltd
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Meitu and Doraemon has been in cooperation for 3 years. Each time the launch of new product would be the center of attention in the market and achieved very good sales performance. Meitu and Doraemon will continue to bring new ideas and products to their fans.
哆啦A梦美图手机 - 厦门美图移动科技有限公司 / Doraemon Meitu mobile phone - Xiamen Meitu Mobile Technology Co., Ltd
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Oral B, a global oral care product brand of P&G, launched a new line of Star Wars toothbrushes to help promote oral hygiene in China in December 2017. It allowed consumers to personalize their toothbrushes by choosing between light and dark side and customizing it with different Star Wars graphics and quotes as well as including engraved names.
A great product featuring Star Wars together with a comprehensive launch campaign integrating online and offline channels has helped Oral B yielded very positive results, generating sales lead, selling a heap of toothbrushes and earning it Tmall’s “Best Marketing Breakthrough Award”.
“欧乐B 星球大战”牙刷 - 欧乐B / “Oral B x Star Wars” toothbrush - Oral B
年度新锐IP Young Property of the Year
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PAW Patrol是一部优质的学龄前教育动画,2016年底引进中国以来收视率不断攀升,深受儿童及父母喜爱。短短一年多PAW Patrol动画网络点击率已超350亿,其签约的被授权商达近百个企业,授权产品遍及各个行业,如服装、食品、文具、家居、电子产品、快消品等等。
汪汪队立大功 - 尼克国际儿童频道 / PAW Patrol - Nickelodeon
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萌鸡小队 - 奥飞娱乐股份有限公司 / Katuri - ALPHA GROUP CO.,LTD
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熊熊乐园 - 华强方特(深圳)动漫有限公司 / Boonie Cubs - Fantawild Animation Inc.
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大英博物馆 - The British Museum
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Peppa is the best “3E” preschool brand in China: entertainment, education, engagement, with fantastic performance in every aspect – animation content, licensed products, brand events. Cumulative view rate on new media even has surpassed 80 billion! It is undoubted about the immense “Peppa Hit” in China. Peppa is going to bring more new fun experiences to kids by developing its first Asian theme park and educational centre in the world! Peppa will keep growing with kids and further come into their daily life, to bring more joy and have much more realistic fun experience with them!
小猪佩奇 - Entertainment One UK Limited / Peppa Pig - Entertainment One UK Limited